Bloomin’ Zoo Plant Sale
May 3 @ 9:00 AM – May 4 @ 4:00 PM

The unusual is the usual at the Bloomin’ Zoo Plant Sale. The Mesker Park Zoo Botanics Department has been busy growing and preparing unique items that will be available for purchase during the festival. Among the offerings are tropical bedding plants, unusual perennials (including butterfly-attracting plants), trees, shrubs, orchids, and ornamental grasses.
Included in Zoo admission. Current Zoo Membership is required for the Friday Preview Sale.
The Bloomin’ Zoo Plants sale is your rare opportunity to add exotic and exciting plants to your home garden. Choose from hundreds of beautiful plants carefully cultivated right here at Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden! Our horticulture team works tirelessly to provide you a chance to extent the Botanic Garden to your home!